Caught between two rival factions in war-torn Africa; you are sent to take out ‘The Jackal’; a mysterious character who has rekindled the conflict between the warlords; jeopardizing thousands of lives. In order to fulfil your mission you will have to play the factions against each other; identify and exploit their weaknesses; and neutralise their superior numbers and firepower with surprise; subversion; cunning and; of course brute force.
- DUNIA ENGINE The Dunia Engine was built specifically for Far Cry 2 by the award-winning Ubisoft Montréal development team. It delivers the most realistic destructible environments amazing special effects such as dynamic fire propagation and storm effects real-time night-and-day cycle dynamic music system non-scripted enemy A.I. and so much more…
- REAL-TIME IMMERSION Real-time story telling systemic auto-healing minimal in-game interface are just few of the features that will make you feel the tension of being alone against barbarous warlords that threaten thousands of innocent lives.
- WEAPONS OF CHOICE Choose from a wide range of weapons to make your way to your primary target. Meet the fight head-on with your machine-gun go berserk with your machete or make stealth kills as a Sniper. If you feel that the atmosphere is not warm enough light up your flamethrower and let your enemies and everything around them feel the heat.
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